Our Mission is to provide education about HPV infection, the HPV vaccine, and HPV-related cancers, specifically HPV-related oropharyngeal or head and neck cancers—now the #1 HPV cancer, surpassing cervical cancer.

HPVANDME is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people affected by HPV: patients, partners, and caregivers.

HPVANDME was founded by Pamela Tom, a multimedia journalist whose husband was diagnosed with stage 4 HPV squamous cell carcinoma in 2012. Ms. Tom knew that she had to do something to build public awareness about the HPV throat cancer pandemic.

HPVANDME helps those who are and will be affected by HPV throat cancer. The reach is large … men, women, teenagers, parents, doctors, and researchers.

HPVANDME is about YOU. It’s about everyone who wants to know more about HPV throat cancer – how to prevent it, how to fight it, how to live through it.



HPVANDME is a member of the American Cancer Society’s CA HPV Roundtable that seeks to increase HPV vaccination rates in California to 80% by 2026 and sponsors the annual CA HPV Vaccine Week in August.

HPVANDME is an inaugural partner of the International Papillomavirus Society, sponsor of the annual International HPV Awareness Day in March.

HPVANDME also partners with other HPV cancer prevention advocates including The Farrah Fawcett Foundation, City of Hope, American Cancer Society, and MD Anderson. 


Thank you for your continued support. Together we will help prevent more cases of HPV throat cancer and help those who are fighting it, during and after treatment
—Pamela Tom, Founder, HPVANDME